"Dock your pay" nghĩa là gì?

"Dock your pay" có dock là khấu trừ, cắt giảm -> cụm từ này nghĩa là trừ lương.

Ví dụ
When employers (chủ) process (xử lý) payroll deductions, they have to be very mindful of whether or not that payroll deduction is going to constitute something called a prohibited or illegal wage deduction, which is the case in 14 states across the U.S. The less technical way of saying that is there are a bunch of rules out there that say employers cannot dock your pay for [reasons] other than standard deductions like taxes or garnishments.

“Papa’s Pizzeria” made severe (gay gắt) demands on the player — you had to not only take all of the orders, but also prepare the food correctly and meet strict time requirements, or else you would face the wrath (nổi giận) of irate customers. Failing to meet the unreasonably high demands of your customers, Papa would dock your pay. Papa was unforgiving like that.

If you they've closed the office and you can't work from home then your boss can't dock your pay or make you take annual (hằng năm) leave.

As a general rule, if your state allows time off to vote, you must tell your employer how much time you’ll need. Also, keep any proof (bằng chứng) that you voted on hand — not all states protect workers when they take time off to vote, and employers could potentially dock your pay if they believe you used your time off to do something else.

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