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vẻ đẹp duy mỹ của "bàn tay vô hình"...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 212 of my GMU Econ and Mercatus Center colleague Pete Boettke’s Winter 2014 Independent Review paper, “Fearing Freedom: The Intellectual and Spiritual Challenge to Liberalism,” as this paper is reprinted in The Struggle for a Better World – a new (2021) collection of some of Pete’s writings:

One of the great scientific truths of the “invisible hand” (bàn tay vô hình) is that the participants do not have to grasp (in fact cannot grasp) the overall operation of the system but are guided only by their own private interests (tư lợi) in particular contexts (bối cảnh cụ thể). But it may very well be the case that while we don’t have to understand the spontaneous  (ngẫu hứng) order of the free-market economy in order to benefit from it, a significant portion of the general public might need to grasp the basic scientific principles (nguyên tắc khoa học cơ bản) and the aesthetic beauty (vẻ đẹp duy mỹ) of the “invisible hand” in order for it to be sustained in the face of ordinary political pressures for expediency (thủ đoạn, động cơ cá nhân).

Tags: economics

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