Sao mà biết được?

ngành nào nên sống, hay cần giải cứu,

cứ để người tiêu dùng và thị trường quyết thôi...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page x of my late, great colleague Walter Williams’s Foreword to Richard McKenzie’s superb 1985 book, Competing Visions (original emphasis):

Industrial planners (những nhà hoạch định chính sách công nghiệp) everywhere face an information problem (vấn đề thông tin). From the standpoint of consumer and producer satisfaction, how can a planning board know which industries should be “born” and which should “die,” which should be subsidized and which should be self-sufficient, which should receive tax credits and which should not? A computer the size of the United States could not manage the innumerable (không đếm xuể, vô số, hằng hà sa số) interdependent (phụ thuộc lẫn nhau) decisions made every day in our economy. Is it reasonable to expect an army of bureaucrats to do better?

Tags: economics

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