"In good conscience" nghĩa là gì?

Lương tâm mình không cho phép bản thân giới thiệu quyển sách này cho cậu. Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

"In good/all conscience" nghĩa là với lương tâm trong sạch, hết lòng, có ý tốt, thật lòng.

Ví dụ
“I had admired Michener’s early novels,” I wrote, “but I could not in good conscience recommend ‘Texas,’ which felt to me overlong, stale (nhạt nhẽo) and lugubrious (bi thảm).”

“Also, it bothers me that we’re picking off only one A4 zoning category (phân vùng),” Welch continued. “If this plan is good for A4, it should be good for all zoning categories of homes, and I can’t, in good conscience, allow multi-family homes in our most dense (đông đúc) neighborhoods and exempt (miễn thuế) my own.”

"I feel that we've got to do something. This is three years," she continued. "We could've done something by now. If we continue to wait, then it will be another three years and we'll be six years out without a plan. I can't, in good conscience, go to the people of Millersburg and say that we have a plan, when we've been dragging our feet for three years."

“I will tell you that your own children, and your siblings, children, and your minor brothers and sisters, they’re all part of the larger society that the court must consider in protecting from you,” the judge said. “I cannot in good conscience, send you home … There are six minor children that live in your house. There are other minor children, in and out of their grandparents’ house on a regular basis.”

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