Phương án xác định giá bán nhà ở xã hội

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trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 31 of Thomas Sowell’s 2008 book, Economic Facts and Fallacies:

Ironically, having created [with land-use restrictions] artificially high housing prices, government then often supplies token amounts of “affordable housing” to selected individuals or groups. Such selective generosity (hào phóng có lựa chọn) may be subsidized  (trợ cấp) by taxpayers (người nộp thuế) or by making it mandatory that private builders sell a certain percentage of their housing at prices “below market,” as a precondition (điều kiện tiên quyết) for approving building permits (giấy phép xây nhà). These “below market” prices may nevertheless be higher than housing prices would be in the absence of building restrictions.

Tags: economics

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