Anh sẽ không đổi thay

năm 2003 bị bắt vì tội 'tấn công tình dục', có chữ “F*** YOU” trên trán,

18 năm sau, bị bắt vì tội 'ăn trộm', vẫn có chữ “F*** YOU” trên trán :D
A Illinois man, named Angel, may want to invest in a wig with bangs to cover up the not-so-kind message tattooed on his head on his court date.

Angel Schettini, who has the words “F*** YOU” inked on his forehead, found himself in court again on Monday to face burglary (trộm đào ngạch) charges,

The 45-year-old man was to appear before a judge in the Chicago suburb of Wheaton.

Schettini, who also goes by the name Alejandro Lopez, has appeared in police photos that date back to 2003 sporting the same tattoo on his forehead.

Illinois State Police records showed that Schettini is a registered sex offender (tấn công tình dục) with no listed address.

Tags: funny


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