"Money from home" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Celyn Kang on Unsplash

"Money from home" -> nghĩa là tiền dễ kiếm được (do thắng cược, ăn cắp).

Ví dụ 
I could tell everyone at the table was a novice (người mới học) poker player, so the winnings ought to be money from home.

From renting out your driveway as a parking space to selling your digital snaps, there are plenty of ways you can make money from home.

I'm telling you, the place has next to no security, and they have no way of tracing the cashback to us—it's money from home!

There are lots of ways to make extra money from home. Most require a computer and internet access, and every now and then, you'll have to find some extra space in your house to set up shop, so to speak.

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