Giữ gìn sức khỏe cho trẻ em trong đại dịch Covid-19

không phải cứ bắt đeo khẩu trang đâu nhé...

However, as increasing numbers of published papers emerge it becomes clearer still that masks are anything but a de minimis (chẳng nghĩa lý gì) intervention: they are nothing short of violence against children’s emotional, physical and educational health.

Exposing children to a risk of this nature – a risk no one has bothered to calculate – is unconscionable (quá đáng, vô lương tâm, tán tận lương tâm, cực kỳ bậy bạ). Children must be able to take off the masks, immediately, and they must be able to do so without being accused of putting others at risk. It is children, not adults, who are in danger now.
Tags: health

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