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cha đẻ post-it-notes đã qua đời, 80 tuổi...

Silver, a chemist (nhà hóa học) from Texas, created the adhesive (chất dính, chất dán) that gives Post-it Notes their stickiness. It took years for his colleague Art Fry to realize the specific genius (thiên tài, người anh tài, bậc kỳ tài) of Silver's invention (phát minh).

If it weren't for Silver sticking by his adhesive, it's unlikely Post-it Notes ever would've taken over our desks, refrigerators (tủ lạnh) and textbooks. In a way, Silver is responsible for millions of Americans remembering to pick up eggs from the store (đi chợ mua trứng) or the date and time of an important meeting.

Silver, who earned 37 patents while at 3M and was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame (Đại sảnh danh vọng quốc gia) for his achievements, died this month at age 80, 3M confirmed.

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