"Rattle his saber" nghĩa là gì?

"Rattle (one's) saber" = khua gươm -> nghĩa là đe dọa, quát tháo.

Ví dụ 
That prompted Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro to rattle his saber and to "respond forcefully" although Colombia made no mention of crossing the border. 

I attempt no facetiousness (tính khôi hài) when I observe that for the first 32 months of his tenure (nhiệm kỳ), Trump has been a peace president. Oh, I’ll concede that he lives to rattle his saber.

"You can’t just save up the big moments and departures and entrances for characters at episode one and episode 22," explains Olmstead in his Hollywood Reporter interview. It almost conditions the audience to be like 'OK, we’ll tune in for the first episode and tune in for the finale because not much is going to happen in between because the writers are too timid to make any kind of moves.' So you can threaten people leaving and you can kind of rattle your saber here and there, but unless you follow through on it, no one is going to believe you."

Thùy Dương

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