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agree in full with Bob Higgs:

I don’t believe that the rulers (nhà cai trị) have any intention (ý định) of allowing their subjects (thần dân) to return to the status quo ante (nguyên trạng trước đó) regardless of what happens to COVID-19, vaccines, or treatments (điều trị). The events of the past year have been a godsend for them, and they will fight tooth and nail to resist surrendering the powers (từ bỏ quyền lực) they have seized and exercised. Moreover, many members of the public will support their quest to retain these powers; the people have already demonstrated that their fears can be easily aroused and heightened, whereas their concerns about liberty, if they had any to begin with, will be cast aside in a panicked stampede (tháo chạy toán loạn, hoảng loạn) to comply with the government’s fear-mongering (gây hoang mang sợ hãi, reo giắc hoang mang/sợ hãi) orders (chỉ thị, thông báo).

Yes, some people will resist, but the foregoing is my best guess of how things will develop overall. People who cherish a free society will be screwed once again, thanks to the state’s power-seeking exploitation of the “emergency” rationale (lấy lý do khẩn cấp).

Tags: health

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