"Snitches get stitches and wind up in ditches" nghĩa là gì?

"Snitches get stitches and wind up in ditches" = kẻ mách lẻo sẽ bị khâu miệng và nằm (còng queo) ở rãnh -> nghĩa là kẻ chỉ điểm cho cảnh sát sẽ bị trả thù.

Ví dụ
Snitches get stitches and wind up in ditches. That's one playground life lesson you never forget, especially when it's accompanied by a Chinese.

Rowan powerbombs him to the post and stands tall while Bryan watches on from backstage; the story continues. Snitches get stitches and wind up in ditches Buddy. Please let this lead to Bryan vs. Buddy.

"Well, the American version is 'snitches end up with stitches' right?" Bettany said. "I don't know where that comes from. 'Snitches end up in ditches' is just, you know, it's like a gangster thing or like if my kid ever sees me open a bottle of wine before five and I'm like 'don't tell your mum, snitches end up in ditches.' It's kind of like that I guess."

Ka Tina

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