"Stand and deliver" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Joel Muniz

"Stand and deliver" = đứng yên và giao nộp -> nghĩa là nộp cho kẻ cướp tiền bạc, đồ giá trị mà hắn yêu cầu; nghĩa khác là ('đứng lên và thực hiện') giữ vững lập trường và thực hiện nhiệm vụ bằng hết khả năng.

Ví dụ
“He's got him in three different ways - he's got him in a foot race, he's got him with good forward craft and that was just stand and deliver.”.

“Stand and deliver / You let them put the fear on you / Stand and deliver / But not a word you heard was true,” Clapton sings on the bluesy track which, like its predecessors, accuses the U.K. government of stripping personal freedoms in order to contain the spread of the coronavirus. “But if there’s nothing you can say/There may be nothing you can do/Do you want to be a free man/Or do you want to be a slave?”

If you just know Howie Mandel as the affable (nhã nhặn, niềm nở), germaphobic (hội chứng sợ bẩn) host of Deal or No Deal or judge on America’s Got Talent, you might have certain assumptions about his stand-up. You might picture him in a 1980s comedy club, wearing an oversized blazer with the sleeves rolled up, telling some jokes about how airplane food actually tastes bad. You would be wrong. Mandel was a deeply strange, highly improvisational comedian, more likely to scream and run around than stand and deliver a polished tight five. Though it earned him a legion (đám đông) of die-hard fans, as Mandel tells it, it turned off certain comedians and the bookers at Johnny Carson’s The Tonight Show. Mandel, however, showed them, eventually appearing on the show with Carson over 20 times.

Ka Tina

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