"The jig is up" nghĩa là gì?

Như kiểu nắm thóp được ai đó. Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash

"The jig is up" -> nghĩa là kế hoạch, âm mưu bị phát hiện, 'trò chơi đã kết thúc!'.

Ví dụ 
While the rescue mission to save Alex is going on, there’s also a showdown (cuộc đấu cuối cùng) with Gareth in the woods, who is trying to escape the cops. The jig is up for Gareth, and he’s set to be arrested for Jacinta’s murder.

Many Iranian protesters (người biểu tình) have been voicing their displeasure at this state of affairs. Since the anti-government protests that erupted in late 2017, slogans like "reformists, traditionalists, the jig is up!" have been heard on the streets.

"Lord pray for this country. I’m telling you, we’re in big trouble, folks. If you don’t wake up, the party’s over. If this is going to be an indication (dấu hiệu) of what’s gonna happen around the country, the jig is up," Hodges said. "You can count your lives destroyed."

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