"Twelve good men and true" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Gatis Murnieks

"Twelve good men and true" = 12 người đàn ông nhân lành và chân chính -> nghĩa là ban giám khảo/bồi thẩm đoàn gồm những người ngay thẳng, trung thực, đáng tin cậy.

Ví dụ
The Manchester Institute of Chartered Accountants was founded by twelve good men and true on 12 December 1870 at a meeting at the Clarence Hotel.

It is difficult not to conclude that the Swedish legal system must be partly to blame. Because there are no juries, only judges flanked by political appointees, ‘unanimous’ (nhất trí, đồng lòng) doesn’t mean quite what it would in an Anglo-Saxon court – but we wouldn’t like to say that ‘twelve good men and true’ (and women) would necessarily have made a difference.

Producer Bill Kenwright has hired twelve good men and true to give the play its due. Martin Shaw anchors proceedings with his solid good-guy persona, opposed by Paul Anthony-Barber as a voice of reason and Miles Richardson, slightly too Runyonesque as an unreconstructed bigot (người tin mù quáng). Nick Moran turns in a convincing transatlantic (ở phía bên kia Đại Tây Dương) variant of his wide-boy shtick while Jeff Fahey, tingling with inner torment (nỗi đau khổ), inhabits his tortured reactionary figure (and the purest antagonist (địch thủ) to Shaw's hero) with such palpable (rõ ràng, chắc chắn) conviction that I feared for his blood pressure.

Ka Tina

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