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nữ phát thanh viên người Argentina (nhầm lẫn) nói rằng William Shakespeare, “một trong những nhà văn quan trọng nhất của nước Anh” đã chết... 5 tháng sau khi tiêm vắc-xin Covid của Pfizer :D
In what can only be described as a comedy (hài hước) of errors (sai lầm), an Argentinian TV news channel delivered a stunning (gây ngạc nhiên, choáng váng), if slightly flawed (thiếu sót, sai lầm), scoop (tin sốt dẻo) on Thursday night when it reported that William Shakespeare, “one of the most important writers in the English language” had died five months after receiving the Covid vaccine.

The gaffe (câu nói hớ) of, well, Shakespearean proportions happened after Noelia Novillo, a newsreader on Canal 26, mixed up the Bard with William “Bill” Shakespeare, an 81-year-old Warwickshire man who became the second person in the world to get the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

William Shakespeare died in 1616, while his namesake – an inpatient in the frailty ward at University hospital, Coventry, at the time of his first vaccination – died this week from a stroke unrelated to the jab.

Tags: funny


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