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ảnh kỷ yếu của ít nhất 80 nữ sinh tại một trường trung học Florida bị chỉnh sửa để che bớt ngực...

When she finally got her copy, Ms. O’Keefe, 15, opened the page to her photo and laughed in disbelief (hoài nghi).

A black bar had been added to cover more of her chest, she said. Then, Ms. O’Keefe thumbed through the rest of the yearbook. Dozens of other students — all girls — had similar edits, many of them clumsy alterations that covered more of their chests (ngực).

Many students and parents on Saturday were demanding an apology (yêu cầu xin lỗi), and on Monday the district superintendent (hiệu trưởng), Tim Forson, said there was “not sufficient review of the steps taken before the decision was made to edit some student pictures.”

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