"Your cake is dough" nghĩa là gì?

"One's cake is dough" = bánh bị nhão -> nghĩa là công việc thất bại, không như mong muốn (như chiếc bánh vẫn còn nhão sau khi nướng, xuất hiện trong vở The Taming of the Shrew của Shakespeare).

Ví dụ 
I know you worked really hard on this project, but it looks like your cake is dough, and you won't be winning the contest.

Eddy has spent countless hours working on this project, but I think his cake is dough and he won't be getting that promotion.

After three days hard fighting I was gassed (nạp khí) and sent on to England. I am now waiting further orders.  This is the third time the Hun tried to get me, but his cake is dough and he cannot last much longer. It is about time we crushed such a terrible enemy, and it is only we soldiers in active service know the misery he has caused.

Thùy Dương

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