"Chew the meat and spit out the bones" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Peter Lawrence

"Chew the meat and spit out the bones" = ăn thịt bỏ xương -> nghĩa là chắt lọc thông tin giá trị từ (những) điều có vẻ không chắc chắn, không có căn cứ.

Ví dụ
When it comes to this work, we are to chew the meat and spit out the bones. But as my mother used to tell us growing up.

Have a network of people from different business sectors and experience levels, and learn how to “chew the meat and spit out the bones.

Or, as is popularly stated, we can chew the meat and spit out the bones. But this doesn't make any sense from a biblical standpoint,” he said.

Ka Tina

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