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toàn vống lên về covid-19 ấy mà...

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

That is how the media approached Covid. Be afraid of everything, from ice cream to semen. Be afraid of being tall. Be afraid of being bald. Be afraid of going to the shops and accepting home deliveries. And if you’re a man, it’s not just semen you should worry about, but also your testicles, your erectile function and your fertility. Even your toes are in danger.

The fearmongering (gieo rắc sợ hãi) is relentless (không ngừng nghỉ). Be afraid of your pets. Be afraid for your pets. Just be afraid.
The anxious, frightened climate this has helped to create has been suffocating (ngột ngạt). Death tolls were constantly brandished (khua, vung) without the context of how many people die every day in the UK, and hospital admissions were reported while recoveries were not. As a result, Covid often appeared as a death sentence, an illness you did not recover fromeven though it was known from the outset that Covid was a mild illness for the majority of people.
Even though the vaccine rollout is proving a success, the media are still fearmongering about Covid. The language in headlines and articles continues to play up the risks and threats on the horizon. As Bloomberg had it recently, ‘We must start planning for a permanent pandemic – with coronavirus mutations pitted against vaccinations in a global arms race, we may never go back to normal’.

And those who do not conform to the safety-first orthodoxy continue to be demonised. It feels as if dangerous times are ahead.

Tags: economics

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