"Dollars-and-cents" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Adeolu Eletu

"Dollars-and-cents" = toàn đô-la và đồng xu -> nghĩa là chỉ xem xét vấn đề dưới góc độ tài chính.

Ví dụ
These employees go through hours of training to keep stores safe and prevent the sale of liquor to minors. Dollars and cents aside, if you look at this from a health and safety standpoint Alabama is better off with state regulated ABC stores controlling liquor sales than private retailers.

Now, we’re not going to pull that cheap trick other companies do between sports and the weather on the local news where they want you to imagine an unshaven burglar lurking outside every window of your home. No, we’re going to lay it out for you honestly in dollars and cents so you can make such an important decision like you should any life decision: clear-eyed and carefully.

“We know we need more housing downtown. We know that’s a priority of ours as we look at developing downtown, so we are going to put out a request for information to the development community to find out what it would cost to redevelop the City-County Building into housing,” Clark said. An assessment is already in the works and should be complete this summer. At that point, Clark said, the decision will come down to dollars and cents.

Ka Tina

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