Vì sao Thủ tướng Thụy Điển bị phế truất?

do chệch hướng xã hội chủ nghĩa, để "địa chủ" tự quyết định giá cho thuê nhà theo kinh tế thị trường, tăng 18% chỉ riêng năm vừa qua, gây hại tới người đi thuê...
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven lost a confidence vote in parliament on Monday over plans to ease rent restrictions (nới lỏng hạn chế cho thuê nhà) on new-build houses, leaving the country facing potentially months of uncertainty until a new government can be formed.

The Nordic country's housing market is dysfunctional (không hoạt động bình thường), but attempts at reform (cải cách, cải tổ) have proven difficult, running into fierce political opposition (đối lập chính trị gay gắt).

Sweden has not built enough (không xây đủ) rental accommodation (nhà cho thuê) for decades (trong nhiều thập kỷ), meaning long queues for rent-controlled housing. The average waiting time was nine years in 2020; 70% of local authorities reported a housing shortage in 2020.

Critics argue that strict rent controls discourage developers from building and individuals from renting out vacant properties. Many tenants are forced to take "black market" contracts at much higher prices and with no legal rights.

Generous mortgage tax breaks encourage households to buy property and the combination has forced up house prices and household borrowing to levels that threaten the economy. Home prices have risen around 18 per cent over the last year alone...
Tags: economics

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