Cần cảnh giác với kẻ thù vô hình

những thiệt hại ko ngờ tới...

Beginning with the latest of our invisible enemies, Tim Stanley in The Telegraph writes about George Orwell’s notion of perpetual war in Nineteen Eighty-Four as a way for leaders to keep the masses in check. Ensure that we remain poor (nghèo đói), frightened (sợ hãi), and divided (chia rẽ): “War is peace because it guarantees elite control.” Stanley is writing about Britain’s policy interventions for the pandemic (can thiệp chính sách đối với đại dịch), and the looming threat that restrictions (hạn chế) on the poor Brits – who’ve already endured too many government atrocities (tính hung bạo, tàn ác) in the last fifteen months – may not be lifted out of fear that a new coronavirus wave could paralyze the country (despite a 60%+ vaccination rate, one might add).

The Covid-19 coronavirus is invisible to the human eye, and it takes tests and specialized equipment (thiết bị chuyên khoa) to detect it (often with a time delay) which means that anyone, anywhere, could be a potential threat to you. The mythology (thần thoại) surrounding the pandemic turned not so much the pathogen invisible, but the threat of extreme and unpredictable harm. Remain vigilant and nervous, always.

Bài trước: Chúng ta là con tin
Tags: economics

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