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thành phố florida vô tình bán tháp nước của mình... :D
The scenic city of Brooksville may not have a Brooklyn Bridge to sell. But recently — and accidentally — the city sold its water tower.

Lucky for city fathers, the accidental buyer, Bobby Read, agreed to deed the tower back to Brooksville after the mistake was made. But the error has caused a flurry of social media attention and a rift (rạn nứt, bất hòa) between residents (cư dân) and political figures (chính trị gia).

The issue began last year, when Read approached the city. He asked about the small building with a garage at the water tower’s base. It had been used as storage for various city departments, but Read was hoping to use it as a gym. That began discussions with city leaders who had specific tasks to complete, including declaring the building surplus and subdividing the land.

Tags: funny


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