"Go and boil your head" nghĩa là gì?

"Go and boil your head" = tự đi nấu cái đầu của mày đi -> nghĩa là câu xúc phạm, mong điều xấu xảy ra.

Ví dụ
Some modals (phương thức), e.g. must or should, have a command purpose, which offer a greater hint of certainty than is usual with a modal - can, could, will, would, may, might - but far from complete certainty. You should go and boil your head is a command that doesn’t exactly come with 100% likelihood.

There are also a host (số đông) of sayings, including “awa an bile yer haid” and “eh’ll skelp yer lug”, translated to go and boil your head and I’ll clip your ear, respectively. Elaine’s favourite part is “The Ither Dundee”, a poem discussing how the local dialect (phương ngữ) is dying as the years pass.

Alfie, from Somerset, is no angel (thiên thần) himself, to be fair. Not just a love rat, but a bit of a smartarse (khôn lỏi) too. “No, the sun’s not made out of larva, it’s made out of gas you blimmin’ bummux,” he tells Essex boy George. Alfie does have an impressive arsenal of insults (câu chửi). “My dear old fish, go and boil your head,” he says, again to poor George.

May I assure you of our attention and consideration at all times =  Go and boil your head. And then get stuffed.

Ngọc Lân
Tags: phrase

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