"Good in parts" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Melani Sosa on Unsplash

"Good in parts" -> nghĩa là điều vừa tốt, vừa xấu, đủ dùng, chấp nhận được. 

Ví dụ
The musical arrangement (sắp xếp) is quite simple which helps lyrics flow better and the choice of words for this aggressive romantic song are good in parts even though the song hinges strongly on the repetition of the title jwalamukhi. 

It’s a debut (ra mắt) feature from Wellington-born Sam Kelly, and it’s good in parts. Kelly aims for high drama — a Shakespearean story of a man haunted by his past and his present

The eventual product, ISO 31000, was very much like the curate’s egg – only good in parts. The simple, step by step process copied from AS/NZS 4360 was the good part. The mangled, convoluted (xoắn) thinking on the ‘framework’ was the ‘bad’ because it turned a process to help with decision-making (imperfect as it was) into an administrative edifice and creating and maintaining that edifice (rather than its purpose) became the rationale for ‘risk management.’

The frequent failures in the banking sector have prompted the RBI to think of a revised prescriptive  (quy tắc) regime, which is indicative of the tendency of regulators to micro manage regulated entities. To describe the RBI’s discussion paper on governance, as a curate’s egg, good in parts, is to be charitable.

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