"Goods and chattels" nghĩa là gì?

"Goods and chattels" = tài sản và động sản -> nghĩa là mọi thứ mình sở hữu, đồ dùng cá nhân.

Ví dụ
In centuries past, those coves were favoured by smugglers (người buôn lậu), landing goods and chattels by the darkness of night to avoid customs taxes and duties that should be paid to the Crown.

Four of the sons, together with Elizabeth, were left the sum of exactly one shilling. Joseph was left “all his goods and chattels, ready money, securities for money” and all other bits of “personal estate”. Allingham was left “wearing apparel”, plus the shilling. Joseph was appointed sole executor of the will.

Town criers were news givers. Usually appointed because they could read and write, they proclaimed all sorts of things, including when the lord of the manor’s wife was spending too much money! One lady was carrying on with the owner of the local hostility and so the villagers were invited to the hilltop to hear all about it and to join a bonfire (lửa mừng) party where all her clothes and goods and chattels were burnt! It is a very rich history, but today my role is to proclaim anything the town council wishes me to.

Ka Tina

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