Anthony Fauci chỉ là "con thú chính trị"

tự biến mình thành bộ mặt của sự thối rữa thể chế Mỹ...

In October, a trio of elite academics from Harvard, Oxford, and Stanford universities unveiled  (trình bày công khai, để lộ, bỏ mạng che mặt) The Great Barrington Declaration to promote an alternative pandemic strategy (chính sách khác về phòng chống đại dịch) to the experimental  (thử nghiệm) lockdowns (phong tỏa) Fauci pushed ceaselessly (không ngớt, liên tục). The document proposed a strategy of “focused protection,” (bảo vệ tập trung) or of lifting social restrictions on the general population (gỡ bỏ hạn chế xã hội đối với toàn dân) while implementing targeted measures (các biện pháp nhắm mục tiêu) to protect the most vulnerable (bảo vệ người dễ bị tổn thương nhất).

The three signers wrote they were compelled to propose the declaration after observing the severe consequences (hậu quả nghiêm trọng) of lockdown measures (biện pháp phong tỏa). The lockdowns, they observed, presented costs that far outweighed the benefits, including lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings, and deteriorating mental health. The absence of kids in schools (trẻ con không được đến trường), they noted, was “a grave injustice,” (bất công nghiêm trọng) yet endorsed by Fauci.

Within two days the document drew more than 3,500 signatures (chữ ký) including an impressive array of scientists whose voices had been ignored or dismissed. By May 2021, the declaration featured signatures from more than 50,000 doctors, epidemiologists (khoa nghiên cứu dịch bệnh, dịch tễ học), and scientists, along with nearly 800,000 lay people.

Yet Fauci shot the Great Barrington Declaration down, running to the friendly press to dispel criticism of his pandemic prescriptions, any concession from which offered Fauci nothing to gain and everything to lose.

“Quite frankly, that is nonsense,” Fauci said of the document’s proposal, calling his peers in the scientific community stupid for their disagreement. “Anybody who knows anything about epidemiology will tell you that that is nonsense and very dangerous.”

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, an epidemiologist and infectious disease expert at Stanford, was one of the document’s principal authors Fauci declared ignorant.

“Fauci propagandized against a reasonable alternative strategy,” Bhattacharya told The Federalist, “which absolutely shocked me.”

Speaking over the phone, Bhattacharya explained that his former admiration for the now-80-year-old doctor, whose textbook on internal medicine even sits on Bhattacharya’s shelf, has deteriorated with abject politicization.

Tags: economics

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