"Hugs and kisses" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Debby Hudson

"Hugs and kisses" -> nghĩa là lời chào tạm biệt thân thiện, gần gũi ở cuối thư; 'ôm hôn thắm thiết nhé'.

Ví dụ
He signs off with hugs and kisses. Tim Hawking saw the note for the first time only recently. "I would write my dad letters along those lines."

This is a no-brainer, but Gately said emails shouldn't end with hugs and kisses unless you are emailing a close friend — although even then it could be problematic. "This is in the friendzone territory and clearly it's common to have friendships in the workplace, but even if it's a conversation with a friend, the email could be sent on or have other people copied in down the track," she said. "Remember if it does get shared with others, people could start to form an opinion about your relationship with that person."

Ka Tina

Tags: phrase

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