"I'd like a word with you" nghĩa là gì?

"I'd like a word with you" -> nghĩa là tôi có lời muốn nói với bạn (có thể là cảnh cáo, khiển trách cá nhân).

Ví dụ
“Madame, please, allow me, I’d like a word with you. . . . I’ve noticed that you come to almost every funeral, and that you weep as if you knew the deceased. That can be upsetting for the families, for everyone who’s suffered a loss. Perhaps I can help you? I’d like nothing more than to listen to you, help you . . . if there’s anything I can do.”

iPhones and Androids — please step inside my office. I’d like a word with you. Smartphones are all beginning to look like replicas of each other with clunky camera bumps, superfluous (thừa, vô dụng) lenses and monstrously (quái dị, khổng lồ) large displays. After reviewing three buzzworthy phones in under two weeks — the iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro and the LG Wing — I couldn’t help but spot a myriad of 2020 smartphone trends that should ne’er see the light of day in 2021 and beyond.

Haughton immediately sought to instill some “sand” in his charges, among them Kennard, a senior back and kicker from nearby Brookline who had become visibly discouraged by his lackluster career. Two decades later, Kennard recalled Haughton’s motivational method. “One day Haughton stopped me as I headed for practice. ‘See here, Kennard, I’d like a word with you,’ he said in low, even tones. I can look back to that afternoon and still picture his piercing eyes. I can recall his direct manner and his concise speech. ‘You’ve got the physique,’ said P.D., ‘and I think you have the spirit, but you’ll never get anywhere with that sour look. It’s contagious (dễ lây, truyền nhiễm).

Ka Tina

Tags: phrase

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