"If I had my druthers" nghĩa là gì?

"If I had my druthers" -> nghĩa là được lựa chọn, làm theo ý muốn.

Ví dụ
Despite the unseasonably (trái mùa) cold and wet weather we have endured of late, as well as two rounds of frozen tomatoes, summer is a short 3 weeks away. Anyone who knows me has heard me bemoan (than khóc) the start of the hot weather. I love my fresh veggies from the garden and my lovely flowers, but if I had my druthers, fall and spring would be the primary seasons here in Salida with a little winter thrown in for good measure.

Nothing to like about Connecticut. High taxes, high energy costs, liberal politicians dictating (điều khiển, sai khiến) how we live. If I had my druthers, I would be living in Italy.

If I had my druthers, I probably should stop thinking about using the words cattywampus ... and druthers. Ever use a word in daily conversation that just comes out of nowhere and sounds funny the split-second that it parts from your lips?

If I had my druthers, Memorial Day would be a societal (xã hội) reminder of the need to bridge the civilian-military gap that’s grown in the last 20 years, as our forever wars are normalized and fade into the background of our lives.

Ngọc Lân

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