"Let's not and say that we did" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Ben Mater

"Let's not and say (that) we did" = không làm đâu, nhưng cứ nói là đã làm nhé -> nghĩa (châm biếm) là không muốn làm việc vừa được gợi ý.

Ví dụ
“Let’s... not and say we did. You’re getting annoying with this stuff, and I don’t get paid enough to keep humoring you.”

In which case, I’m going to go out on a limb and say … whatever? Never mind? Big wows? Fred Perry never had to take this many questions, and maybe the players of the future won’t either. I know we have to pretend there’s a continuum (thể liên tục) between this and actual totalitarianism (chế độ độc tài), but let’s not and say we did.

But does OG know what the sisterhood can be? She hasn’t necessarily been welcomed into it at any point. During her conversation with Malaysia, it came out that when she met her for the first time, Malaysia made comments behind her back about her style and her breasts in her side-boob baring top. We also know that numerous other cast members had plenty to say about her breasts and style. And according to OG, before meeting Shaunie O’Neal, she overheard the show EP being taken over by another producer to meet her, only for Shaunie to reply, “Let’s not and say we did.” If you need more examples of less than warm and chummy (gần gũi, thân mật) moments directed towards her, you’re welcome to watch Season 7 and 8.

Ka Tina

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