Thời Trung cổ cũng thế

cầm dao chém nhau vì tranh giành điều khiển tivi... :D

...investigators (điều tra viên) responded to an apartment unit on Knox McRae Drive. That's when they found the victim (nạn nhân) with stab wounds (vết thương dao đâm). Police say the man, identified as Robert Baker, was outside the apartment with wounds to his arm and leg.

His injuries were said to be non-life threatening (không nguy hiểm tới tính mạng).

Officers made contact with Glynn, who was still inside the home, through a landline (điện thoại cố định). Glynn responded that he was unable to come outside because of a disability (khuyết tật).

When officers went inside the apartment, they say Glynn was on the couch (ghế trường kỷ) with a sword (kiếm). Glynn was arrested. Police say he confessed to stabbing the Baker, stating that if he had better aim he would have ‘gut him.’

The victim reportedly told police that he and Glynn were drinking when they got into an argument after Baker called Glynn selfish for hogging the remote. The argument escalated and eventually led to the stabbing, officers say.

Tags: funny

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