"My stars and garters" nghĩa là gì?

"My stars and garters" -> câu bày tỏ cảm xúc bất ngờ, ngạc nhiên.

Ví dụ
Oh my stars and garters yes we need to raise revenue (tổng thu nhập). But under the two-thirds rule in the constitution we need votes from Republican legislators, and they won’t vote for any tax increases. That means dang our hands are tied and we are powerless, so boo-hoo.

She could even come to our house for a night or, who knows, perhaps an entire weekend. My stars and garters, now that I think of it I could load her in the boat and take her bass fishing. She would politely (lịch sự) decline, but it’s still to have arrived at theoretical possibilities for stuff that seemed might never be doable again.

“Oh, my stars and garters!”… Is what your well-toed lover will declare (tuyên bố), mid-Judy Garland roleplay. Good thing these thigh-high, Parisian-designed fishnets don’t need a garter, though, so you can easily slide them right over those piping hot foot knuckles with ease. 

As the prezzy wannabes parade (diễu hành) through Nevada (but Iowa and New Hampshire and South Carolina more) there is lots of talk — even among some Democrats — about “oh my stars and garters they are too radical.”

Ngọc Lân

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