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phải chuẩn bị đủ toa-lét di động nhé :D

florida đang thiếu toa-lét, nên một số sự kiện phải hoãn, hoặc giảm bớt người dự đấy...

Andy Christian and Linda Carlile own Royal Restrooms of Florida. The two say after having a halt in their business, demand now is higher than ever.

“Most of our events, weddings, festivals, football games were postponed or reduced in number, so it seems like everybody is trying to make up for the last year,” Christian said.

...Portable toilets aren’t just a convenience, they are required by Florida law for special events. The Florida Department of State even has a chart displaying how many toilets are required based on how many people are expected to attend.

With more outdoor events popping up, Christian said it’s possible some events might need to be canceled or scaled back because of a lack of supply.

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