Theo đúng khuyến cáo

bị dừng xe, nhờ csgt cầm hộ lon bia... :D
License (giấy phép lái xe), registration (giấy tờ đăng ký xe) and... a beer?

A Texas man literally (theo đúng nghĩa đen) asked a game warden who pulled him over for driving erratically to hold his beer. KWTX reports that an unidentified motorist who was picked-up earlier this month for driving while intoxicated (chuếnh choáng) gave one of the two arresting officers his adult beverage to hold in the Lake Waco area.

The traffic stop reportedly occurred when a man in a truck driving on the wrong side of the road cut the officers off, then got back into the right lane and waved for Texas Police and Wildlife Patrol wardens to go around him. That didn’t work.

Tags: beer


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