"Once and future" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Josue Michel

"Once and future" = một lần và cả về sau -> nghĩa là chỉ rõ ai/điều gì mãi trường tồn, vĩnh cửu, bất biến.

Ví dụ
And what’s fantastic about BreakingT is that if you aren’t a t-shirt person, no worries, because you can get this exact same design in a hoodie, youth t-shirt, or a women’s dolman shirt in addition to the classic cotton/poly-blended, snug fit adult T. You can get all designs from small to 3XL. Make sure that you get this shirt in order to declare your allegiance to Fields in the great draft debate of 2021. There will be only one winner, and it will be the team led by the once and future QB1.

While Congress continues to defer elections to the post of party president, allowing Sonia Gandhi to continue at the top, veteran party leader and former Union Minister Salman Khurshid on Friday went on to proclaim her son and former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi as the future 'king of democracy'. Sharing an image of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and his son Rahul, Khurshid labelled the duo as the 'once and future king of democracy'. Notably, Rajiv Gandhi served as India's 6th Prime Minister from 1984 to 1989.

“I think maybe we need to build back our social muscles a little bit,” a once-and-future party boy I know opined. “Everyone’s out, and there’s a critical mass, and it’s really fun, but it leads to this thing of like, ‘Let’s go to this place!’ Okay. And then, ‘Let’s go picnic in the park.’ And then, ‘Oh, this person has an art opening.’ And then, ‘Oh, let’s get dinner around the corner.’ And then, ‘That person has a birthday.’ It starts to feel almost like this Fashion Week level of every hour is scheduled.” He described a week of going out four nights in a row and spending the fifth in bed all day. “I needed to be in a dark room,” he said. “I quarantined myself from oversocializing.”

Ka Tina

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