Ủng hộ cả "hai tay"

đã từng là gái điếm, hứa sẽ đảm bảo "phẫu thuật to vú" miễn phí cho tất cả chị em nếu được bầu làm đại biểu quốc hội... :D

chuyện ở mexico
Boobs for ballots — it’s a thing.

“[My] election promise is to guarantee free breast (ngực) augmentation (làm to) for all women,” Pino, 33, told the DailyStar.

As a candidate (ứng cử viên) of the Progressive Social Networks party (đảng), she’s giving it her breast shot in a run for office in Mexico’s Chamber of Deputies.

And once appointed, Pino says she’ll give female cancer survivors first dibs on the gratis (không phải trả tiền, cho không, miễn phí) surgeries (phẫu thuật).

“Women who have undergone mastectomy (thuật mổ vú để chữa ung thư) [will be] given priority,” vowed the pregnant sex worker (lao động tình dục)-turned-Mexican parliament hopeful.

Pino — better known as “la Grosera” or “the rude lady” on social media — has built her run for Congress on the chest-pumping campaign: “t—s for every woman.”

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Tags: sex


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