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phi công hãng hàng không Southwest phải nộp phạt 5.000 usd vì xem phim sex khi đang lái máy bay...

Michael Haak, 60, expressed remorse (bày tỏ ăn năn/hối lỗi) for his actions before he was sentenced to one year of unsupervised probation and a $5000 fine.

Haak says it initially started as a prank before it turned horribly wrong.

"It started as a consensual (liên ứng) prank (trò đùa) between me and the other pilot. I never imagined it would turn into this in a thousand years," Haak said during the hearing.

...After reaching altitude (độ cao), he got out of his seat, "disrobed" (cởi quần áo) and began watching pornographic material on his laptop in the cockpit (khoang lái), prosecutors (công tố viên) said.

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