Lloyd Austin lại thêm đau đầu rồi

bộ trưởng quốc phòng nga Sergei Shoigu đề xuất nhân bản vô tính đội quân Scythia (1 dân tộc Iran dân du mục thống trị vùng thảo nguyên Hắc Hải trong suốt thời kỳ cổ đại từ khoảng thế kỷ 8-7 TCN)...
When you hold a job like Defense Minister of Russia, you presumably have to be bold and think outside the box to protect your country from enemy advances. And with his latest strategic idea—cloning an entire army of ancient warriors—Sergei Shoigu is certainly taking a big swing.

In an online session of the Russian Geographical Society last month, Shoigu, a close ally (đồng minh thân cận) of Russian President Vladimir Putin, suggested using the DNA of 3,000-year-old Scythian warriors to potentially bring them back to life. Yes, really.

First, some background: The Scythian people, who originally came from modern-day Iran, were nomads (dân du mục) who traveled around Eurasia between the 9th and 2nd centuries B.C., building a powerful empire (đế quốc hùng mạnh) that endured for several centuries before finally being phased out by competitors. Two decades ago, archaeologists (nhà khảo cổ) uncovered the well-preserved remains of the soldiers in a kurgan, or burial mound, in the Tuva region of Siberia.


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