"Shoemaker always wears the worst shoes" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

"Shoemaker always wears the worst shoes" = thợ đóng giày luôn đi đôi giày tệ nhất -> nghĩa là người có chuyên môn thường không áp dụng kiến thức chuyên môn của mình để đáp ứng nhu cầu bản thân; "hàng săng chết bó chiếu".

Ví dụ
According to Lynch, L&D leaders are often amazing at developing others, but not necessarily the most adept (tinh thông) learners themselves. Bendotti agrees, equating the situation to the saying “the shoemaker always wears the worst shoes.”

Like the old adage, “The shoemaker always wears the worst shoes,” we at times fall prey to not applying our skills for ourselves! We have worked with Devine Design Websites and Graphics for 10+ years, collaborating (hợp tác) on numerous websites for our clients, but definitely dragged our feet (chậm trễ) on having our own site produced.

As an Interior Desginer by trade, I often get asked what my home looks like. My answer is always the same – the shoemaker always wears the worst shoes!

During that time she assumed (nắm lấy) various roles (vai trò) of a performance coach, consultant, team psychologist, and ultimately Chief of People and Operations. As the saying goes - “The shoemaker always wears the worst shoes” - while Velina was catering to the team’s performance and wellbeing, she completely neglected her very own.

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