Ngu dốt về kinh tế

khi "vận động" rằng, nếu nước ngoài mua hàng của Mỹ, thì người Mỹ vừa có tiền vừa có hàng...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 6 of the original 1960 Harvard University Press edition of Frank Knight’s collection of lectures, delivered in 1958 at the University of Virginia, titled Intelligence and Democratic Action:

I recall a Republican campaign speech that exploited the hoary (rất cổ) piece of nonsense that if Americans buy from foreigners, a foreign country gets the money and America the goods, but if they buy from Americans, America has the goods and the money both. Such reasoning raises the question whether there is any use in pointing out facts, whether one merely insults (sỉ nhục) one’s own intelligence by casting pearls before, let us say, beings oblivious (không biết, mù tịt) to their value.

DBx: A bit earlier (page 5) in this lecture, Knight referred to belief in the merits of protectionism (chủ nghĩa bảo hộ) and inflation as “two perennial (luôn luôn tái diễn) examples of stupidity in economic ideas and policy.”

Tags: economics


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