"Time and a half" nghĩa là gì?

"Time and a half" = một và thêm nửa -> nghĩa là lương làm ngoài giờ (ngày chủ nhật, ngày lễ...) gấp rưỡi so với lương ngày thường.

Ví dụ
Investigators found Global One “willfully failed” to pay employees overtime at time-and-a-half their regular rates of pay when they worked more than 40 hours a week. The company required employees to falsify the number of hours they worked each day and paid for unrecorded hours in cash at straight-time rates.

In Warwick, a firefighter could use sick time for his or her first 24-hour shift, vacation for another 24-hour scheduled shift, then work two or three more unscheduled, 24-hour shifts. Because the sick and vacation time put the firefighter at 48 hours, all of those unscheduled shifts would be paid at time and a half.

The agricultural community spent much of this legislative session working to save the jobs of their employees and their businesses from state-mandated overtime pay in Senate Bill 5172. The bill targeted agricultural employers and requires all farmers and ranchers to begin paying time-and-a-half to their employees beginning Jan. 1, 2022 for every hour worked beyond 55 hours. Then, in 2023, time-and-a-half will be applied at 48 hours and at 40 hours in 2024.

Ka Tina

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