Quá phức tạp

nên chữa các "triệu chứng" (kinh tế) là cách tốt nhất để giải quyết một vấn đề (kinh tế)...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from pages 169-170 of Steven Pinker’s excellent 2018 volume, Enlightenment Now (footnote deleted):

During the high-crime decades, most experts counseled that nothing could be done about violent crime. It was woven into the fabric of a violent American society, they said, and could not be controlled without solving the root causes of racism, poverty, and inequality. This version of historical pessimism (chủ nghĩa bi quan, tính bi quan, yếm thế) may be called root-causism: the pseudo-profound idea that every social ill is a symptom of some deep moral sickness and can never be mitigated by simplistic treatments which fail to cure the gangrene (chứng hoại thư, chứng hoại tử) at the core. The problem with root-causism is not that real-world problems are simple but the opposite: they are more complex than a typical root-cause theory allows, especially when the theory is based on moralizing (lên mặt dạy đời, lên lớp) rather than data. So complex, in fact, that treating the symptoms may be the best way of dealing with the problem, because it does not require omniscience (sự thông suốt mọi sự, sự toàn trí toàn thức) about the intricate tissue of actual causes.

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