"He stays in the shadow of his mama’s apron" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by ABDULLA M

"He stays in the shadow of his mama’s apron" = trong cái bóng tạp dề của mẹ -> nghĩa là bẽn lẽn, nhút nhát.

Ví dụ
He stays in the shadow of his mama’s apron and shy and prefers being silent throughout.

She stays in the shadow of his mama’s apron in the background with no real voice or opinions. How can someone be a sidekick (bạn tri kỷ, người cộng tác) in their own show?

She stays in the shadow of his mama’s apron first, until she sees the man. She seems to recognize his straw hat, sunglasses, billowy (nổi sóng cồn) fishing shirt and deck shoes.

Ka Tina

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