Ngon quá đi

công ty ở quận oita, nhật bản bán mật ong có ong bắp cày "chết đuối" bên trong...

While the decision to put a dead hornet inside a jar of honey can definitely be called questionable, even more so is the fact that the giant Japanese hornets are actually placed inside the jar while still alive and left to drown in the viscous (sền sệt, lầy nhầy, nhớt) liquid. According to an article on SoraNews24, the hornets, which are known natural enemies of bees, are captured alive by beekeepers while trying to encroach on the bees’ territory to be used as macabre (rùng rợn, khủng khiếp, kinh khủng; ma quỷ) decorations for the company’s jars of honey.

The honey producer claims that apart from the decorative aspect, the dead hornets’ essences (tinh chất) and extracts (chiết xuất) leak into the honey, making it healthier and more delicious (ngon miệng)

Tags: japan


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