"One year's seeding makes seven years weeding" nghĩa là gì?

"One year's seeding makes seven years weeding" = gieo hạt một năm khiến bảy năm sau phải đi nhổ cỏ -> nghĩa là phải luôn hành động cẩn trọng (tránh hậu quả lâu dài); "gieo gió gặt bão", "sai một li đi một dặm".

Ví dụ
The old saying “one year’s seeding makes seven years’ weeding” perfectly captures why most farmers despise (khinh thường) uncontrolled weeds (cỏ dại) and the tens of thousands of seeds that are dispersed (phân tán) across their land.

There’s a proverb that always haunts the inattentive gardener: “One year’s seeding makes seven years’ weeding.” This is because the very act of cultivating (cày cấy) the soil brings dormant (ngủ đông) weed seeds to the fore. As a rule, weeds that have gone to seed persist a long time in the soil, so that even if you were to diligently (siêng năng, cần cù) cultivate the soil for, say, six years, never allowing a troublesome plant to grow and bloom, you might still not be out of the woods.

One year's seeding makes seven years weeding. Tackle (xử lí) weeding now, as it is much less tiresome when the soil is soft and they're easy to dig out. You'll also be removing the weeds before they seed.

Ngọc Lân

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