Lãng phí và có hại

phun thuốc khử trùng trên đường phố vừa không diệt được virus corona, vừa có hại đối với sức khỏe người dân, Tổ chức Y tế Thế giới cảnh báo..., hat tip to Hoàng Cương,
Spraying disinfectant (phun khử khuẩn) on the streets, as practised in

some countries, does not eliminate the new coronavirus and even poses a health risk, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Saturday.

In a document on cleaning and disinfecting surfaces as part of the response to the virus, the WHO says spraying can be ineffective (không hiệu quả).

"Spraying or fumigation (phun khói, xông khói) of outdoor spaces, such as streets or marketplaces, is... not recommended to kill the COVID-19 virus or other pathogens (bệnh học) because disinfectant is inactivated (không kích hoạt được) by dirt (bụi) and debris (mảnh vỡ, mảnh vụn, vôi gạch đổ nát)," explains the WHO.

"Even in the absence of organic matter, chemical spraying is unlikely to adequately cover all surfaces for the duration of the required contact time needed to inactivate pathogens."

The WHO said that streets and pavements are not considered as "reservoirs of infection" of COVID-19, adding that spraying disinfectants, even outside, can be "dangerous for human health".

Tags: health

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