Đi bộ 10.000 bước mỗi ngày có thực sự cần thiết?

chỉ cần 7.000 - 8.000 là có lợi cho sức khỏe rồi nhé,

quên con số 10.000 của "bọn" marketing bán giầy đi :D

That magic number is an arbitrary (tùy hứng, tùy tiện) one that originated as an advertising campaign decades ago.

While walking is great for your health, research suggests 7,000 to 8,000 steps might be a better goal.

The idea that walking 10,000 steps is optimal came from a catchy (dễ nhớ, dễ thuộc) ad in Japanese, according to Daniel Lieberman, a Harvard paleoanthropologist who has studied the evolution of exercise.

Lieberman wrote in his recent book, "Exercised," that the Manpo-kei (translated as 10,000-step meter) was invented in the 1960s by the Japanese company Yamasa Tokei — the producer of the first commercial pedometer — which chose the name because it sounded good.

Tags: healthjapan

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