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NASA phát hiện thiên thạch trị giá 10 tỷ tỷ USD...
There is an exceptionally (cá biệt, khác thường) rare metallic (kim loại hiếm) asteroid (thiên thạch) lurking (luẩn quẩn) between Mars and Jupiter - and the thing puts the value of the Earth's entire economy to shame (nỗi xấu hổ).

To put the space rock's potential market value (giá trị thị trường tiềm năng) into perspective, the entire world economy was valued at roughly $142 trillion in 2019.

Hubble (kính viễn vọng) discovered "16 Psyche," a unique piece of heavy metal that's one of the biggest objects in the Solar System's main asteroid belt tucked between the Red Planet and Jupiter.

The asteroid - which is so dense it is believed to be a leftover core of a planet that failed to develop into a "protoplanet" - is approximately 230 million miles away from our planet and measures 140 miles across - about the size of West Virginia.

Bài trước: Kỳ diệu thật
Tags: science


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